Update 6 November: Bristol has held five vigils in the last 10 days. I sent out a call to a few women I thought would be interested and it has grown since. Our WhatsApp group now has 34 members and there are often 12 present at the vigil. We are intending to meet 3 times a week – Sundays from 12 to 1, from Mondays from 5 to 6 and on Thursdays from 5 to 6. We stand at College Green in front of the Council House, wearing black. One of us engages with people passing by and hands out leaflets while the rest stand in silence. We are experiencing sympathy and respect from the public for what we are doing. As you know, it feels very powerful to be doing this as women in silence.
May we hold in our hearts a vision of a land where all live and flourish in peace and justice and freedom.
To keep up to date, join the Bristol WiB WhatsApp group
For more about our group see article here
Starting this Thursday 26 October, Women in Black-Bristol will be holding vigils at College Green between 5 and 6 on Thursdays and Mondays and between 12 and 1 on Sundays. Our vigils are silent. If possible we wear black. Placards will be provided and leaflets explaining who we are.
We invite you to prepare your own small individual placard to wear around your neck, saying something simple like “My name is ___. I am Jewish/a mother/a grandmother/a human being. My heart is breaking.”
We welcome all women who stand in solidarity with Israelis and Palestinians, with all the women, children, elderly, infirm, and the men caught up in this catastrophic war. Join us if you support our call for an immediate ceasefire and for negotiation, not war.
Our hearts are breaking. We have to believe another way is possible.