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Page 1, Edith Cavell Statue Vigil; page 2: Euston Road Vigil; p. 3: Celebrating Cynthia

Time and place: Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm at the Edith Cavell statue. It is in St.Martin’s Place, London WC2, just above Trafalgar Square.
About: The London vigil is part of the Women in Black (WiB) world-wide network of women. We are committed to peace with justice and actively opposed to injustice, war, militarism and other forms of violence. We hold our vigil every week (see details above) in silence and wearing black. Each vigil has a specific theme, which is reflected in the placards we carry and the leaflets we hand out. Each week we have a letter which we ask members of the public to sign, which calls on the British government to take action on a specific issue. Vigils have focussed on: opposition to British military engagements or threat of ‘interventions’ in other countries; opposing renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system; calling for justice for Palestinians; for steps to end violence against women in war; and for ending the arms trade. Our vigils are for women only, and present a women’s or gendered position on each issue.
Email: Vigil homepage:
Facebook: Twitter: @WiB_London