Email: slcoote@yahoo.co.uk
Time and place: monthly vigil usually on the first Saturday of the month from 11am to noon, at the junction of Edinburgh Road and Alfred Road, (by St John’s Cathedral), overlooking the naval base.
Due to the CV -19 pandemic, in April 2020, WiB Portsmouth moved to virtual Zoom vigils…. with a difference. “Some of us were at home struggling with the novel technology and one was on a dodgy old phone whilst doing a solo walking vigil in the usual place opposite the Royal Navy base. The pictures of revolving trees and blue skies were enjoyed by those indoors. The spot is near a busy junction away from people, but there were probably more passing cyclists and runners than drivers, and the buses were almost completely empty. Twice a police car passed but neither time did they bother to go round the block to come and talk. It felt important to still be a visible witness to peace in the face of the military.”