Update October 2023. Over these past two weeks our numbers have increased exponentially……For the time being we are holding the vigil weekly, rather than twice a month. We slightly modified our leaflet two weeks ago to reflect the current situation. (Tricia Griffin)

Vigil 24 October 2023

Since 1988, women in Jerusalem have held weekly vigils with the slogan “End the Occupation”.
This will be the first of regular peaceful vigils in Leeds to protest at Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. We will stand in silence, dressed in black, with a large banner “Free Palestine” and leaflets to inform the public.
Any women who would like to come along on the day dressed in black would be very welcome.
We dress in black to denote mourning for lost Palestinian lives.
When: We hold a vigil twice a month on the first and third Tuesdays, between 12.30-1.30pm, on the single issue of calling for an end to the Occupation in Palestine
Where: Dortmund Square, Leeds, LS2 8, United Kingdom
Contact: leedswomeninblack@gmail.com – phone 0113 2888862