

International Women’s Day March 2025

Women in Black Adelaide (South Australia) is still standing strong, holding fortnightly vigils in the city in support of Palestine. 

Our next vigil is Wednesday 19th March at Parliament House, 5-6pm.

Information on our vigils, and other events in Adelaide, via our Facebook page here:

Update October 2024.

Our Adelaide chapter of Women in Black in South Australia is holding vigils for Palestine every 2 weeks in the CBD (Central Business District). We are proud of be part of this worldwide movement for peace.

The next two vigils are on:

Wednesday 9 October, 5-6pm. Wednesday 23 October, 5-6pm. Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide. 

Our Facebook page is here:

If anyone would like to contact us, they can do so via Facebook message. We post events and information via Facebook and I respond to messages within 24 hours. I am currently doing the administration on behalf of Dr Alice Gorman. 

Protesting against genocide in Gaza. 27 March 2024

Armidale, New South Wales

Vigil 2023

Armidale Women In Black Monthly Vigil

We are silent because mere words cannot express the tragedy that wars and hatred bring. Our silence is visible. We invite women to stand with us. We wear black as a symbol of sorrow for all victims of war, for the destruction of people, nature and the fabric of life.

For over 20 years, Armidale Women in Black have gathered outside the Old Courthouse in the Mall on the last Saturday of the month at 10.30am for a silent half-hour, to mourn the victims of violence around the world, and to protest at the expanding use of military action.

We invite all women to join our vigils

Last Saturday of every month, 10.30am to 11am, outside the Old Courthouse in the Mall

More information: 0491 021 306

Vigil 2014


A new WiB vigil from February 2024, calling for a free Palestine and ceasefire now.

When: For current activities, see facebook site, below.

Contact via Facebook: Women in Black – Canberra