The bi-annual Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair is due to be held at the London EXCEL centre between 12 – 15 September. It brings together 1,700+ arms companies who promote their lethal wares to an expected 36,000+ attendees from around the world. The event is supported by the Ministry of Defence and the UK Defence & Security Export Ministry and provides an opportunity for the UK to showcase military equipment and technology and secure trade for UK arms companies .
Women in Black London deplore this venture. The world is at war and thousands are being killed, maimed and forced to flee their homes. Ukraine, Russia, Yemen, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Eritrea, Israel, Palestine are current examples of countries at war. At the same time, people are being tortured and have their rights abused, especially women and girls, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar and Iran. None of this would be possible without the weapons and equipment supplied in the global arms market. Half of UK arms exports go to human rights abusers. These words, from a major UK arms company, highlight the link between government and the arms industry.
“For us, DSEI is our number one global exhibition. As well as being the premier UK defence event, DSEI also attracts an impressive array of visitors and delegations from across the globe; making it a high value, focused marketing opportunity”
Deborah Littell, Head of Corporate Events, BAE Systems.
What you can do
Share this leaflet with others and make others aware that this exhibition is taking place. Scan the QR code and forward to others. Share our FB and Twitter posts.
Check out the DSEI web page to see what they say about themselves https://www.dsei.co.uk/
Join with others planning actions during the days of the exhibition. More here https://stopthearmsfair.org.uk/join-in/
Support the work of CAAT who work all year around to stop the arms trade. https://caat.org.uk/
Write to / email your MP to make your own objections to the arms fair. https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP